Hiko BASIC FITFLEX Spraydeck

*Cockpit size:

* indicates a required field.


Hiko BASIC FITFLEX Spraydeck

Nylon spraydeck designed for sea kayak and touring kayaks. BASIC FITFLEX spraydecks come in four sizes to fit cockpit rim of most kayaks available. Waist is large enough to accomodate all waist sizes and can be adjusted to fit. This spraydeck is also fitted with braces so it doesn't slip off.

Available sizes: CL80 (fits cockpit 75 to 85cm in length), size CL87 (fits cockpit 82 to 92cm in length), size 94  (fits cockpit 89 to 99cm in length), size CL110  (fits cockpit 105 to 115cm in length).

Size CL80 fits Gumotex SEAWAVE, FRAMURA and SWING kayaks.

Cockpit sizes: CL80, CL87, CL94, CL110.

Waist:  one size fits all

Colours:  Black


 Spraydecks recommended cockpit size
Cockpit size best fit length  (cm) min. fit length  (cm) max. fit length  (cm)
CL72 72 67 77
CL80 80 75 85
CL87 87 82 92
CL94 94 89 99
CL110 110 105 115


all HIKO spraydecks waist sizing
waist[cm] waist size
65 XS 
85 L
90 XL 
95 XXL 




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